No Returns On Any Discounted Product Due To Expiration Date Or If Product Has Been Opened!


363132 Hepar Sulph. Calc. (30c) - 02/24

363132 Hepar Sulph. Calc. (30c) - 02/24



3634 DGL Licorice Root 90 Vegan Caps 10/26

3634 DGL Licorice Root 90 Vegan Caps 10/26


DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice) is well-researched for its safe and effective healing support of the gastrointestinal lining.† The stomach lining and intestinal walls are in a constant state of repair, and this repair process is supported by the powerful properties of DGL licorice.† Our unique formula also includes fennel, marshmallow and aloe vera to support overall health of the digestive tract lining.† Deglycyrrhizinated licorice is specially processed and standardized to remove the glycyrrhizin, a compound that may cause undesirable side effects.† This advanced formula is designed to soothe, protect and support gastrointestinal health.†
CONTAINS NO Artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives; no wheat, gluten, milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, crustacean shellfish or fish.

Processed with hot water extraction to remove the glycyrrhizin content to no more than 2%
• Supports healthy structure, function, and integrity of gastrointestinal mucosal lining
• Plant-based formula to support healthy mucous production in the GI tract

36716 Vectomega, 60 ct.  02/24

36716 Vectomega, 60 ct. 02/24


36716 Vectomega, 60 ct.  02/25

36716 Vectomega, 60 ct. 02/25


367844 Flatwear (36) - none

367844 Flatwear (36) - none



370046 dlgrss pasta sauce 24oz1/25

370046 dlgrss pasta sauce 24oz1/25


3701 B-Complex 50 Balanced B-Complex 50 caps- 07/24

3701 B-Complex 50 Balanced B-Complex 50 caps- 07/24


As coenzymes (helping enzymes to carry out chemical reactions), B-vitamins are essential nutrients involved in most metabolic reactions. They play an important role in energy production, particularly from the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. These essential nutrients are also important for the production of healthy cells, hormones, neurotransmitters, and other biomolecules. They are needed for healthy nerve, heart, brain, muscle, and other important cell/tissue function. The B-vitamins are water-soluble and therefore are not stored to any significant extent in the body. This is why we need to ensure adequate intake of these nutrients on a daily basis. Due to the excess consumption of refined and processed foods, the average person does not consume optimal amounts of these nutrients. Our B-Complex 50 provides moderate amounts of essential B-Complex vitamins.

B-Complex 50 provides a moderate-potency, full-spectrum B-vitamin supplement which helps support many different biochemical and physiological processes.†
Reliance’s B-complex contains USP grade nutrients and, therefore, meets strict standards for purity and potency.
Easy to swallow capsules.

Thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin are essential for the production of energy from food. They also help support nerve and heart function, and help the body produce antioxidants.†
Vitamin B6 is needed to make neurotransmitters, chemicals that are essential for normal, healthy brain and nervous system function. B6 also helps support the metabolism of amino acids, including homocysteine, which, when elevated, may increase one’s risk for heart disease.†
Vitamin B12 and folic acid are both needed to make healthy blood cells by supporting DNA and RNA metabolism, and both help support normal, healthy levels of homocysteine; a recognized cardiovascular “toxin”.†
Pantothenic acid is needed to produce energy from fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, while biotin is essential for the metabolism of fatty acids and glucose, and assists in cellular energy production.†
Choline is needed to help support the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and serves as an important cofactor in healthy liver detoxification processes.†
Inositol serves as a signaling molecule helping to “direct” cellular function, while PABA serves as a component of folic acid.†

372134 Hydrastis Can. (30c) - 07/27

372134 Hydrastis Can. (30c) - 07/27



3728 L-Glutamine 500 MG 50 Caps 4/26

3728 L-Glutamine 500 MG 50 Caps 4/26


L-Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid. It is the primary source of fuel for the cells that line the intestinal tract. It also plays a role in protein and DNA synthesis. Many athletes take L-Glutamine after a workout to promote muscle repair and recovery.

Amino acids are needed by the body to rebuild and repair tissues, muscles, blood proteins, and cell enzymes. L-Glutamine, the most abundant amino acid found in the muscle, is converted to glutamic acid in the body to support cerebral function.† L-Glutamine also assists in maintaining a healthy digestive tract.†

• Easy-to-swallow capsule
• Primary fuel for cells lining the
digestive tract
• Cross merchandise in Sports Nutrition

372800 Cat's Claw (1oz). Gaia - 12/24

372800 Cat's Claw (1oz). Gaia - 12/24
